Crap, crap, crap. I was going to say do yourself the hugest favor in the world and check out the December 5, 2006 episode of Radio CPR's Dissonance program, which featured Chad Clark and Basla Andolsun from the band Beauty Pill spinning songs they really like and talking about music, but CPR's online library doesn't have it up anymore. So I guess...do yourself a favor and build a time machine?? Sorry, suckers! No seriously, I wanted to share it with whoever would possibly read this because they are--and, though I certainly could, I'm not going to go on and on about them, I'll save that for my 33 1/3 book about The Unsustainable Lifestyle--a band who's existence makes the music world a much better place. And that's been drilled into my head a lot over the last couple days as I've been listening to their two-hour-plus program that's made up mostly of Chad Clark saying the best shit ever and Basla Andolsun picking songs I would've picked if given the same opportunity. I don't know, check here repeatedly and maybe they'll put it back up.
Beauty Pill - "Rideshare" (from The Cigarette Girl From the Future)
Beauty Pill - "This is the Hidden Track" (from With Literacy and Justice For All... compilation)

On the plus side, you can and should download the new Talib Kweli/Madlib collabo, Liberation, which Rappcats has graciously provided. I think Madlib became my favorite producer while I wasn't looking, or perhaps while I was compiling Doom mixes and putting on way too many Madvillain tracks. I still love Doom, though!
Sound Directions - "Dice Game" (from The Funky Side of Life)
Quasimoto - "Seasons Change" (from Bully's Hit 7")
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