Nostalgia sucks.
That being said, NOFX's Fuck the Kids 7" instantly takes me back to any and all events that may have happened between summer 1997 and summer 1998. This record may have been even more of a soundtrack to senior-year me than what I thought was the prevailing soundtrack (Minor Threat's Complete Discography), but at the very least (and perhaps most importantly) it was the vinyl face that launched a thousand Chuds ships--or to put it another way, it was the record that hastened my entry into the world of people who play music, via a band called The Chuds. And obviously I'm talking the original, Newark-based Chuds, not this monstrosity. I haven't paid much attention to NOFX since So Long and Thanks For All The Shoes, so I can't really say if they've gone downhill. They're still at the top of my "best of the bands I've been obsessed with at various points in my life" list, though, just based on Fuck the Kids (and Ribbed, White Trash..., The Longest Line, Punk in Drublic, Heavy Petting Zoo, So Long..., and the song "Six Pack Girls") alone.
NOFX - "Reagan Sucks"
NOFX - "My Name's Bud"
NOFX - "Please Stop Fucking My Mom"
Song of the day is The Damned's "Fish", from Damned Damned Damned. Song of the day for this past Saturday is Madvillain's "Great Day". Song for the approaching Valentine's Day Massacre (aka me working in a sub-zero blizzard) is Black Velvet's "Is It Me You Really Love" courtesy of Truth and Soul on myspace.
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