This past weekend was a super church-y one for me--my niece was baptised, plunked down into the lukewarm holy waters and anointed with weirdo oils by a man who sings poorly, and there was much rejoicing--so its kind of fitting that I've been rockin' Loose Fur's Born Again in the USA on repeat (almost as fitting as hearing "Spanish Bombs" on the way to see Pan's Labyrinth). For those who don't know, Loose Fur is the side band featuring Wilco's Jeff Tweedy and Glenn Kotche, as well as Wilco producer and super genius, Jim O'Rourke. Their first record, 2003's Loose Fur, was great except the songs went on FOR FUCKING EVER and felt half-finished. But on Born Again..., they tighten shit up (except on "Wreckroom", but only on the second half, and the first half is fucking brilliant) and make everything super catchy, and wind up sounding like a punk rock version of Wilco that also sounds like Faraquet. I'm pretty sure everyone slept on this album except for Tyler and myself, but don't let that sour you. Its awesome on every level, the Tomoo Gokita artwork level in particular. Oh and they have a video.
Loose Fur - "The Ruling Class" (from Born Again in the USA)
Loose Fur - "Stupid As The Sun" (from Born Again in the USA)
Loose Fur - "Wreckroom" (from Born Again in the USA)
Song of the day is "The Partisan", from Leonard Cohen's Songs From a Room. Not sure if there's a specific reason this reminds me of my mom when I was a little kid, but it definitely does. Its probably just the parts sung in French.
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